
Khoo Yihan 2A112


Contact Time

I have been attacked with fever three times recently; the latest being yesterday.
At night, I was saying a prayer. And ever since I started attending church, I acquired a newer, more elaborate way of praying.

I was half awake.
I'm not too sure about the words I said, but the replies I got were undoubtedly true.

"Dear Heavenly Father, please bless me with your Holy Spirit. Help me recover from this fever. Thank you for having given us all that you thought we deserved. Thank you for giving us today. I pray that all my loved ones and I will sleep safe and soundly tonight. Help me recover from this fever."

"I hear you."
I got stunned. I mean, I've never got a verbal reply from Him before.

"Give me your life, and I will give you your rest."

Whenever you had a fever, your fingertips and toes will be freezing cold, while the rest of your body is boiling hot. I got His instruction to "Place your hand on your forehead."

I did just that. I felt blood rushing to the fingertips and toes.
"Rest well, my child."

I kept on repeating "My faith is strong in You", "My faith is strong in You".. until I somehow fell asleep.

Guess what?
My fever's gone.
Thank you, FCBC. Thank you God :D


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