
Khoo Yihan 2A112


First Lost-and-Found Encounter

I have been contemplating about writing this entry for a while already, but decided to do it anyway... =)

Well, it happened on a schooling day when I was feeling extremely tired, lethargic and you know...with all my energy drained. As I am dropped off at the carpark in school, I grabbed my bag from the boot and scooped up some files and very groggily, I headed for the classroom (thank goodness I was not late o.O...)

Then, before the flag-raising ceremony had begun, I realised that something from my uniform was missing - it could have dropped off; and I would be in hot soup if I was caught not properly attired.

Without hesitating, even though the bell would be ringing in just a couple of minutes' time, I traced my way back to the classroom, searching desperately for it. I couldn't find it. Luckily I brought spare. Or that would have been the last day I've seen daylight.

Placing the spare piece back to my uniform and vowing to hunt for the missing piece during recess, I hurriedly ran back to where the flag-raising was taking place, and I was relieved that my teacher (with the attendance list) was walking behind me. That would mean that I would not be considered as a'latecomer'.

When the recess bell rang, knowing that it could have dropped off when I slung my bag onto my shoulder (lol.), I ran back to the carpark and found it lying there peacefully. For a moment, I felt that I was in heaven (T.T). (Okay. Maybe I should change that ending phrase.)

Yar. So that's about it. =) Re-united.

Photo From:http://www.istockphoto.com/file_closeup/concepts-and-ideas/modern-life/4100731-life-s-journey.php?id=4100731


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