
Khoo Yihan 2A112


Emergency IT Lesson 4: Gambling

1. In relation to Paper, you should explain exactly what the title refers to and why it is so significant to gambling, gains on the stock market and ultimately the conclusion of the story.

The title refers to all the paperwork and paper involved in the story; the money the couple earned; paper could be inferred to as being weak and unstable, just like that of gambling chances and gains on the stock market. The conclusion of the story, however, has paper in its denotation meaning, for the dream house for Tay Soon in his funeral was made of paper. His dream was realised at last, but instead of the kidney-shaped swimming pool, the majestic and magnificant infrastructure of his dream house, he realised his dream through burnt paper and ashes in front of his grave for three mere minutes.

2. For Lottery, do an analysis of 100 words in which you look at Ah Boh’s superstitions regarding gambling.

Gambling consumed the presumably happy life of Ah Boh, for everything she’s interested in was gambling; and it consumed, above all, the life of her old mother. She believed in anything with numbers, be it a cat’s weight, an infant or the licence plate of an accident-wrecked car. She would, by all means, resort to extrusive measures to get her hands on gambling. She believed in offering joss-sticks to her dead husband, or the household gods. Yet her addiction brought her to no fortune, and a dead, lifeless mother.

3. For The Rocking Horse Winner, write a paragraph of 100 words in which you point out who was responsible for Paul’s death.

Ultimately, he was responsible. Alongside Bassett and Oscar, this hobby soon became addiction and eventually obsession with horserace betting. Gradually, his obsession grew and backfired at him; for his life was nothing but horserace betting. His strong belief in luck led him to ponder over the ‘right’ horse all the time. It was because his courage grew as he reaped more money from his successful bets that he continued; he could not be stopped. Eventually, his mind was so pre-occupied with identifying the winner that he went into a coma, and eventually succumb to death. And there’s no turning back.


Does his mother not have to assume any responsibility for "the voices" that keep saying there's never enough money? Couldn't his Uncle have stopped him as well? All right, I'm playing devil's advocate and ultimately he is responsible but... I didn't know you were superstitious. Or did you mean if she were a mathematician she could have logically figured things out? And finally, you can't chase "paper" all your life or ultimately it will lead to "ashes to ashes and dust to dust."


Nice one, Yihan! However. i am quie unsure about what you mean by "it would have been better if she was a mathematician" Even if she were a mathematician, woudn't have she ended up the same way? Won't Having a great knowledge of numbers spur her further on to gamble? Thanks.


Great analysis you've got there. Hmm... Kind of agree with what you mean in "Paper", but tuning it a little bit more formal would be better. Just a feeling! XD


The analysis is extremely detailed,especially for Paper and the Rocking Horse.However,maybe you should elaborate more on what change did occur to Ah Boh in the lottery near the ending of the story.


Overall a good analysis!Sorry this comment was supposed to be connected to my first comment.


Right. I've edited the post by a wee bit.


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