
Khoo Yihan 2A112


Term 1 in Conclusion

Perhaps I would like to start off with just one general statement: Why do people blog? Well, as of me, I must say that this is like an electronic diary, one example? I did my entry on behalf of Philip Malloy (click here to view it).

With the blogging tool at hand, I can easily put my thoughts onto this electronic platform by just typing (typing is faster than writing, isn't it?) Blogging is an avenue for me to express my thoughts - and at the same time - allow others to read and share their thoughts.

This is both good and bad, because you will know how others feel of your entries and you can ammend them accordingly and improve on them, but it also has a flipside - what I do not like about blogging is that they can be read by the world, so that means almost zero privacy, and you cannot write anything that is deemed private and will have to keep all your private entries to yourself. Maintaining a blog would also mean that you cannot write freely - you have to take into consideration the feelings of others - so you have to hide certain things and abide by our class's RBP.

On a personal note, blogging can be improved by simply limiting the number of people who can read your blog - in this case 1A1 and Mr S. (got to keep it to one letter, because of RBP). See? Blogging has its limitations and because it is mandatory to set up and follow the RBP, we have our limitations when blogging, which means we cannot express ourselves freely, pick the right words, etc... This could be an area to be improved on: Limit the number of readers who can access your blog.

Now moving on to the relationship between the reading habits and the electronic bookshelf. Anything that has been put on the electronic bookshelf (e.g.: The Favourite Reads) depends on our reading habits; and whatever we type on our blog depends on how we interpret things - our reading habits comes into the picture again. Also, the electronic bookshelf allows readers to understand your personality by accessing the books you have read before - the content of the books will show your personality, which in turn leads you to the way you write your blog. See this inter-relationship?

By the way...

Given topics to cover:

1) a general reaction statement

2) likes and dislikes regarding your blogging

3) how this whole process could be improved

4)statement regarding the tie-in of your reading habits/elecctronic bookshelf to your blog


Great feedback. I think the class is straddling that fine line between "all-out" blogging, personal and otherwise, and staying within the confines of our RBP. It's still a platform, albeit a little restrictive. I hope it doesn't hold you back from sharing openly throughout the year. Mr. S


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