Today was rotten. Nothing went right. I feel like punching Narwin straight in the face. Life stinks. Narwin is just so totally unfair. Why is she even made a teacher of this stupid school anyway? Why was I even admitted to this school?
Okay, it all happened like this: I wanted to annoy that Ms Narwin because she is just so partial in her thinking. I hate her. So, I deliberately sang the "Star-Spangled Banner" out loud in class when we were meant to observe silence as this anthem was played on tape. I knew that I was supposed to shut up. Everyone in class knew. But I didn't. Why? Because I want to make her blow her top. And I did.
At first, she started by questioning who was humming so loudly. And when she identified me, she asked me to stop, and I did not. She yelled - and I knew I got my way. I did it for another 2 times in succession, only that after each time I got sent to Palleni's office. And in the end, guess what?
I ended up on the losing end. I got suspended, but I did this dumb thing. I told Palleni that I was just fighting for my rights, like what Dad told me, but in the end, he just told me to play along with the rules. I got stubborn - and he suspended me.
I did it because I hoped that Narwin would know that she was paying for what she had done. I wanted her to pay. Which was why I did all that humming. I knew that she would go hopping mad - and I am glad she did. At least, although I end up in this sticky mess, I got Narwin to pay for her wrongdoings.
Now all I need to think about is how to get out of this situation. Getting suspended is never fun you know. And if I can, I want to transfer out of Narwin's class, if not out of school. I hate Harrison High, just hate it! And Ms Narwin? She's just such a numbskull.
(On the behalf of)
Philip Malloy